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Video: Max Blumenthal talks to MEE about Gaza, Israel and his new book

Blumenthal has warned that the rise of a far-right element in Israeli society is proving to be one of the main blocks to peace in the region
Max Blumenthal spent a year in Israel documenting the influence of the far-right in Israel (MEE/Alex MacDonald)
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine’s Emergency Session on Israel’s Operation Protective Edge held yesterday in Brussels has found evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of murder, extermination and persecution and also incitement to genocide. - See more at:

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine’s Emergency Session on Israel’s Operation Protective Edge was held last week in Brussels to examine evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of murder, extermination and persecution, and also incitement to genocide.

The Russell Tribunal, or the International War Crimes Tribunal, was first established by Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell in the 1950's and aims to examine international entities and incidents for evidence of war crimes.

Max Blumenthal, journalist and author of Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, spoke to MEE about the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, at which he was present, his experience in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge and the impact of the rise of the far-right in Israel.
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