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Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain'

The Labour Party is on the cusp of taking power and its leader Keir Starmer is set to become prime minister.

One of the defining features of his leadership has been his insistence that Labour is cracking down on antisemitism.

“We’ve been ruthless in the past four years over rooting out antisemitism and changing the Labour Party,” he said in May, “but it will never be ‘job done’. 

“We will be as ruthless in government as we have been in opposition, because we will never take our foot off the pedal on antisemitism.”

But current and former Jewish members of Labour who are pro-Palestinian told Middle East Eye they feel targeted, harassed and discriminated against in the party. 

Read more: Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain'
