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Muslim World League leader says he has 'amazing' chats with Marine Le Pen

In an unlikely collaboration, the head of the Muslim World League delivered a keynote speech at a right-wing British think tank on Monday. 

Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa, the former Saudi Arabian justice minister who has headed up the Mecca-based international Islamic NGO since 2016, spoke at Policy Exchange in London.

He touched on a wide variety of issues, including Islamophobia and Israel’s war on Gaza

In perhaps the most intriguing comments made during the event, Issa said he had frequent and fruitful conversations with French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen. 

“We have a good relationship with her. Whenever we go to France, we meet with Miss Le Pen,” he said. 

Read more: Muslim World League leader says he has 'amazing' chats with Marine Le Pen
