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Live blog update| Israel's war on Gaza

Biden administration funding ‘Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’: US official

A Biden political appointee in the Department of the Interior has resigned in protest against the president’s support for Israel's war on Gaza.

Maryam Hassanein said in her resignation statement that she could not continue to work for an administration that ignores its staff.

“After months of Israel’s brutal violence, including the murders of over 37,000 Palestinians and the intentional starvation of millions of Palestinians, the only way I know how to make my voice heard and meaningfully represent my community is to leave,” said Hassanein, who is also a Muslim American.

“Arab and Muslim communities in the US have watched in horror as the Israeli military has struck mosques, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and schools, destroying entire cities in Gaza while killing thousands of people in Gaza of all religions and ethnicities with US-supplied munitions,” Hassanein added.

“Instead of using US leverage to stop the killing, President Biden has continued funding this violence, while fueling hate crimes against Palestinian Americans by repeating anti-Arab tropes and outright lies,” said Hassanein.