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Amos Hochstein's Israeli army past no barrier to Lebanese mediation efforts

Amos Hochstein, known in Lebanon for his mediation role in the country’s maritime border deal with Israel, has become a central figure in US attempts to contain clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces.

The US presidential envoy just completed another trip to the two countries, carrying with him a stronger message to Hezbollah than usual.

Middle East Eye reported that Hochstein delivered “blunt” warnings to Lebanese officials that Israel is planning to launch a limited offensive on Hezbollah, and that it would have the support of the United States. 

It was a surprisingly threatening message from the US envoy, reportedly prompting Hezbollah to release video footage taken from a drone identifying military and civilian targets in Haifa.

Hochstein is unusual as an interlocutor in Lebanon as he was born in Israel, which since 1948 has been an enemy state.

READ MORE: Amos Hochstein's Israeli army past no barrier to Lebanese mediation efforts

US presidential envoy Amos Hochstein with Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri on 18 June 2024 (Reuters/Mohamed Azakir)
US presidential envoy Amos Hochstein with Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri on 18 June 2024 (Reuters/Mohamed Azakir)