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Live blog update| Israel's war on Gaza

Dozens of Jewish settlers set olive trees on fire in the occupied West Bank

According to footage from a Yesh Din investigation, around 20 settlers threw stones at homes in the village of Madama, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, and set an olive trees on fire.

Yesh Din reported that the settlers came from the Yitzhar settlement and were not stopped by Israel soldiers.

According to the Israel daily, Haaretz, the Israeli army stated, "earlier on Saturday, Israeli citizens arrived at the edge of Madama, set fire to several areas, and threw stones at the village. IDF forces quickly responded to the report, dispersing the citizens from the area."

At the same time, planes were called in to extinguish a fire in the village of Turmus Ayya near Ramallah, which was also started by Israeli settlers.