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Opinion: Why Palestinians doubt western promises of an independent state

Fareed Taamallah, a Palestinian journalist based in Ramallah, has argued in a column for Middle East Eye that recent talks of Palestinian statehood in western capitals "feel like a blatant hoax". 

He writes: "If these countries were honestly interested in establishing a Palestinian state, they would have taken the initiative years before this genocidal war. Globally, around 140 countries recognise Palestinian statehood, but this goal has been obstructed by the western states now using this issue as a political tool. 

If the recent talk is actually serious, then a Palestinian state must be recognised immediately, without waiting on Israel’s approval. If the West has learned from past mistakes, it would move to stop the war on Gaza, freeze settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, and ensure the application of international law. 

Talking about the recognition of a Palestinian state while the population of Gaza is being exterminated feels like a blatant hoax."

You can read the full column below. 

Opinion: Why Palestinians doubt western promises of an independent state

palestine flag
A demonstrator waves a Palestinian flag during a protest in London on 21 February 2024 (Henry Nicholls/AFP)