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Live blog update| Israel's war on Gaza

‘Palestinians endure horrific levels of human and material losses’: ICJ

Dr Namira Negm spoke on Israel’s persecution, racial discrimination and apartheid against the Palestinian people. 

  • Starting from the Nakba in 1948 until now, Israel has adopted discriminatory legislation measures, by which it has established a deeply entrenched system of racial discrimination against Palestinians
  • Discrimination against the Palestinian people is as integral to Israel’s prolonged occupation as is the annexation and colonisation of the Palestinian territory. They are inextricable parts of the same whole
  • It comes as no surprise that the conviction rate for Palestinians held before Israeli military courts stands at 99 percent
  • Palestinians and Palestinians only endure horrific levels of human and material losses, including home demolitions enforced as collective punishment. All of this has created the coercive environment that facilitates Israel’s forcible displacement of Palestinians