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UN torture expert calls for probe of Israel torture allegations

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Alice Jill Edwards has called for Israel to investigate multiple allegations of torture and other abuses against detained Palestinians since 7 October 2023.

In a statement, Edwards said she has heard numerous reports of Palestinian detainees being beaten, kept in cells blindfolded and handcuffed for excessive periods, deprived of sleep, and threatened with physical and sexual violence. 

Additionally, many detainees have reported being subjected to acts of humiliation, including being photographed and filmed in degrading poses.

“I am particularly concerned that this emerging pattern of violations, coupled with an absence of accountability and transparency, is creating a permissive environment for further abusive and humiliating treatment of Palestinians.”

Since 7 October, it is estimated that thousands of Palestinians, including children have been detained by Israeli forces, with over 8,800 detained in the West Bank alone.

According to Edwards, the surge in the prison population has exacerbated already dire detention conditions.

“Official downgrading of conditions in certain places of detention is not acceptable. At all times, the minimum international standards must be adhered to,” she said.