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Anti-Defamation League: Abbas must 'quickly and unequivocally' condemn Jerusalem violence

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an organisation that monitors antisemitism globally, has released a statement condemning the car attack in Jerusalem and calling on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to do more to prevent further violence.

"We strongly condemn this terror attack in Jerusalem, in what appears to be another effort by extremists to further inflame tensions across the city," ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman said in the statement.

"President Abbas must quickly and unequivocally condemn this senseless act of violence, which is something he has failed to do following previous terror attacks in recent weeks, and refrain from using these events to further inflame tensions between Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem," he said.

"Silence from President Abbas on these incidents suggests an indifference to Palestinian terrorist activity directed at Israel, and raises questions about his commitment towards achieving a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."