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Live blog update| Lebanon Votes

Hariri supporters party instead of vote

The pool parties in Tarek al-Jdeedeh and Hay al-Berjaoui are rocking. Young residents are hanging out in inflatable pools, blasting music and dancing, a gesture to express they are not participating in the elections in solidarity with ex-PM Saad Hariri.

Unlike other areas in Beirut, most shops in Tarek al-Jdeedeh have been open and operating normally. However, many people said that boycotting the elections is a bad decision and expressed their disappointment in Hariri for stepping down from politics. 

One resident told MEE: “Not participating in the elections would only benefit the Shia duo [Hezbollah and the Amal Movement].”

Men sit around an inflatable swimming pool installed by supporters of former Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri (AFP)
Men sit around an inflatable swimming pool installed by supporters of former Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri (AFP)

“I haven’t voted yet as I’m still trying to decide who to vote for before the polls close,” Othman Khaled, 56, added.

“I want to vote for someone or a list that is against the current political class. I believe I will most probably vote for Beirut al-Taghyeer list because all [candidates] are new faces. We already know that our current politicians are corrupt and we need to try the new ones. If they are also corrupt, we vote them out in the next elections.”