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Live blog update| Sudan Protests

The man on the gold armchair

Anxious Sudanese protesters had waited hours for an "important annoucnement" from the army but when it came, delivered by defence minister Awad Ahmad ibn Auf, sat on a gold armchair, it was a disappointing declaration of the army taking control of the country and imposing a state of emergency.

Ibn Auf has become an immediate focus for the anger. 

He rose to become Sudan's Vice President in February at a time when Bashir's power seemed to be faltering, but did not ultimately fail, and questions rose about whether the military would try to take power then. 

Ibn Auf was sanctioned by the US in 2007 for his alleged role in war crimes in Darfur when he was head of military intelligence. 

He was accused of supporting and directing attacks by the Janjaweed militia during the violence, when Bashir's forces are accused of killing up to 400,000 people.