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'Painful compromise': Yousef Jabareen slams Trump's plan

Yousef Jabareen, a member of the Arab Joint List - the third-largest political group in Israel's parliament - has slammed Trump's Israel-Palestine plan saying it will "continue to perpetuate the conflict."

"The American deal cannot be a 'peace plan' because it perpetuates the occupation of Palestinian lands and ignores the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for self-determination. Thus, the plan will continue to perpetuate the conflict," he said in a statement sent to Middle East Eye.

"We in the Joint List call upon international community to reject this plan and to continue to support the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state according to the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem and removal of the all settlements – which continue to be defined as war crimes according to international law.

"Importantly, by accepting a state according to the 1967 border, Palestinians will be left with only 22% of the land of historical Palestine. This is an extremely painful compromise; Palestinians should not be required to accept additional compromises."