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Live blog update| Lebanon Votes

Popstar Elissa says abstaining 'a service to the authority'

Famed Lebanese singer Elissa has spoken to the local MTV channel. She has voted, and seems eager for change.

"The elections are crucial, and they must aim for change and reform in every sense of the word. I am not afraid, and I have made my decision to go to my village to vote," she said.

"Those who boycotted the elections provided a service to the authority, and tomorrow we will hear the Lebanese still complaining, knowing that 'we are the ones helping MPs reach Parliament'."

Elissa did not hold back in her criticism of some of Lebanon's leaders and parties, particularly Hezbollah and FPM leader Gebran Bassil.

"I do not believe Bassil, no matter what he says," she said.

"Democracy does not go along with weapons, and when there is a party that is stronger because of its weapons, then this means that there is no democracy," she added, in reference to Hezbollah.

"Hezbollah does not represent the entire Shia community, and in Deir al-Ahmar they are trying to break the Christian voice, and I reject this issue."