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Live blog update| Sudan Protests

Sudanese Professionals Association: It's a coup and we're not budging

The Sudanese Professionals Association said it rejects the "coup" declared by defence minister Awad Ahmad Ibn Auf and called for protests to continue until authority is passed on to "a civilian transitional government that represents the revolution's forces."

"The regime has staged a military coup that reproduces the same faces and institutions that have angered our great nation. Those who destroyed the country and killed its people are seeking to rob every drop of blood and sweat spilled by the Sudanese nation to shake its throne," the statement said.

"We call on our nation to protect its noble sit-in in front of the defence ministry's building and other regions and to remain on the streets across all cities of Sudan," it said. "We are holding to the squares and streets we've liberated by force," the statement said, adding: "These are our final words and we'll meet on the streets that do not betray."