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West Bank cities strike in support for Jenin: “Our hearts are with them”

Strikes have continued across the West Bank in support of Palestinians in Jenin, who are still facing ongoing devastation as a result of Israel’s offensive. 

Traffic and businesses have come to a complete standstill across the West Bank, in what has been described as the broadest public response in recent years.

Mahmoud Abu Ali, a shop owner on the main street near Birzeit University, north of Ramallah, told us that he had seen calls to close shops on social media and didn’t hesitate to close his shop.

He said that the purpose of the strike is to send a message to the world that all Palestinians reject the Israeli aggression on Jenin.

"This is the least we can do. We can’t reach Jenin camp to help the people, but we hope they know that our hearts are with them and we won’t leave them alone,” he added.

In Jerusalem's Old City, shops have closed down in a widespread public strike over Israeli aggression in Jenin (Reuters)

The strikes come after an intense night across all cities in the West Bank, as tensions erupted between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in more than 30 areas.

The confrontations also coincided with spontaneous marches that took place in the camps’ alleys and the centres of some major cities such as Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus, all of which were calling for an end to the Israeli aggression.