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UK elections 2024: Hove candidate removed from Jewish hustings over 'anti-Zionist' views

Jewish groups and Andrew Feinstein defend Tanushka Marah after she was condemned for sharing platform with Roger Waters and Lowkey
Tanushka Marah, in a promotional photo from her website (Tanushka Marah)
Tanushka Marah, in a promotional photo from her website (Tanushka Marah)

A Palestinian-British parliamentary candidate has been barred from appearing at a Jewish community hustings in southern England after she attended a concert in support for Gaza, a decision that has drawn criticism from Jewish groups.

Tanushka Marah is running as an independent candidate in the Sussex coastal seat of Hove and Portslade against incumbent Labour MP Peter Kyle, on a left-wing pro-Palestine platform.

Marah was set to speak at a local Jewish community hustings on 30 June, five days before the general election.

However, the Sussex Jewish Representative Council said earlier this week that it had rescinded her invitation over her "anti-Zionist" views and said they did not want her "hate" at their event.

They cited her appearance at a concert featuring rock musician Roger Waters and rapper Lowkey, who they accused of holding antisemitic views.

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In response, Marah denied the accusation against her, saying her campaign had "been centred on unity and bringing people together".

"Despite the rescinding of the invitation and the false accusations of 'hate' against me, I remain open to attending the hustings event in Hove on 30 June, whether physically or through virtual means if necessary," she said.

The removal of Marah from the debate was also criticised by a number of Jewish groups.

"The accusations against Tanushka are not only baseless but also a transparent attempt to undermine her campaign and character," said a spokesperson for Brighton and Hove Jews Against the Occupation (BHJATO).

'We have to stop the abuse of the term 'antisemitism' to try and undermine and demean the people we disagree with for criticising Israel and its genocidal conduct in Gaza'

- Andrew Feinstein

"As a diverse local group of Jews who are horrified by Israel’s prolonged and violent genocidal war on Palestinians, BHJATO strongly support allowing Tanushka Marah’s valuable perspective to be heard at the Jewish community hustings organised by Sussex Jewish Representative Council."

Jewish parliamentary candidate Andrew Feinstein, who is standing as an independent against Labour leader Keir Starmer in Holborn, also voiced support for Marah over the incident.

Feinstein, a son of a Holocaust survivor who served under Nelson Mandela and has lectured on genocide at Auschwitz, told Middle East Eye: "Tanushka Marah is a friend and a comrade, I been very proud to campaign alongside her and will continue to do so.

"She doesn't have a racist or antisemitic bone in her body. We have to stop the abuse of the term 'antisemitism' to try and undermine and demean the people we disagree with for criticising Israel and its genocidal conduct in Gaza."

Feinstein, who also attended the same London Palestine concert, said: "If we continue to weaponise antisemitism in this way, it undermines the very real struggle against antisemitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism."

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, media officer of Jewish Voice for Labour, said of the hustings decision: "This is not the first time that a group claiming to represent Jewish opinion has prioritised support for the Israeli state over building dialogue and understanding across communities.

"Rather than suppressing the views of a respected British Palestinian like Tanushka Marah, the Sussex Jewish Representative Council would do a service to Jews and everyone in Brighton and Hove's diverse population by welcoming her valuable perspective at their hustings."

Gaza major election issue

Israel's war on Gaza has been a prominent issue in the 2024 general election in the UK.

Both the ruling Conservative Party and the opposition Labour Party - which is expected to win - have been criticised as being overly supportive of Israel's onslaught on the Palestinian enclave.

Several independent candidates and candidates from smaller parties have stood on platforms explicitly in support of the Palestinians.

There have also been numerous suspensions of candidates in the Labour Party over their pro-Palestinian views.

Marah is a theatre director based in Brighton. She is a contributor to Middle East Eye.

Her campaign describes her as someone who has "dedicated her career to fostering community engagement through the arts, offering free classes and creating inclusive theatre projects that celebrate diversity and creativity".  

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