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Live: Israel cracks down on Trump plan protests

Live: Israel cracks down on Trump plan protests
'Deal of the century' receiving condemnation and support as Palestinian leaders plot next move
Key Points
Palestinian leadership roundly reject plan
Mixed response from Israel's allies
Rumours of imminent annexation bill

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4 years ago

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and the architect of the so-called "deal of the century", has defended the plan and called it the "last chance for the Palestinians to have a state".

"We tried to carve out a way, with land swaps and bridges and tunnels, to create a Palestinian state that could be contiguous where you can drive form the top through tunnels and bridges, land and highways all the way to the bottom," he told Al Jazeera Arabic.

"If we don't do this today, at the rate Israel is growing, it will never be able to be done. We see this as the last chance for the Palestinians to have a state."

According to Haaretz, Kushner said in private conversations two years ago that his job was to "make it hard" for the Palestinians to reject the plan, and "not to give them an easy way out."

4 years ago

Several left-wing and liberal US Jewish organisations have rejected Donald Trump's proposal to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The plan, announced on Tuesday, would allow Israel to retain all of its settlements in the West Bank and annex the Jordan Valley in exchange for expanding Gaza's territory and the promise of a demilitarised Palestinian state without control over its airspace or territorial waters.

"It is absolutely clear that the 'plan' released today by the Trump administration stands zero chance of serving as the basis for renewed diplomacy to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," liberal group J Street said in a statement. 

The organisation, which describes itseld as pro-Israel and pro-peace, said called Trump's scheme "culmination of repeated bad-faith" by the US administration to validate the agenda of right-wing Israeli politicians.

"By endorsing Israeli sovereignty over vast portions of the occupied West Bank, the president and his team appear to be empowering Israeli leaders to carry out unilateral annexations that would flagrantly violate international law, trample on the rights of Palestinians and grossly endanger Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people," the group said.

Left-wing Jewish groups that back Palestinian rights also denounced the plan.

Rabbi Alissa Wise, a top advocate with Jewish Voice for Peace, called the scheme "an apartheid plan". 

"International law, global consensus and decades of US policy concur that Palestinian land isn't for Trump to give away nor for Netanyahu to steal," Wise said. "The only way forward towards lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians is through justice, freedom and equality for everyone."

If Not Now, a progressive anti-occupation Jewish group, circulated a petition to oppose the plan.

"Trump’s entire strategy has been to disenfranchise Palestinians and deny their rights, their agency, and even their identity," the petition says. "Zero Palestinians were invited to the White House meeting about the plan or involved in the fake-process that led to this plan."

4 years ago

The Trump administration has posted a copy of his proposed deal. Here is a copy of the 180 page long document titled Peace to Prosperity:
4 years ago

Here are the key points from Trump's historic speech:

- Trump confirmed that his deal will recognise parts of East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state

- Jerusalem will continue to be the capital of the Israeli state 

- Four year freeze on Israeli settlement building in areas designated for future Palestinian state

- Palestinian refugees from areas in Israel will not have a "right of return"

- Trump thanked Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates for supporting Trump's deal 

4 years ago

Netanyahu confirmed that Palestinians will not have the right to return to areas situated inside areas designated for Israel under Trump's plan. 

4 years ago

Netanyahu confirmed under Israeli Peace plan, Tel Aviv will have sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements inside the West Bank.

4 years ago

Netanyahu said that Trump's deal recognises that Israel will have sovereignty in Jordan valley and ensure it has a "western border" that enables it to defend itself.

4 years ago

Netanyahu said that Trump recognised Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. This area has often been earmarked as an area where a future Palestinian state would emerge. 

4 years ago

Netanyahu thanked Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates for attending the ceremony of Trump's deal.

4 years ago

Trump personally thanked Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates for supporting his deal and sending their ambassadors to the White House ceremony.  

4 years ago

Trump said that Israel will issue a four-year freeze in new Israeli settlement development. 

He also said that portions of a future Palestinian state will be in East Jerusalem. 

4 years ago

Trump said that if Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas chooses a "path to peace," America will "choose to help you every single step of the way."

4 years ago

Trump said that East Jerusalem will be the capital of a future Israeli state and that America will open an embassy in the city. 

He added that Palestinian land will increase and that "their GDP will double and triple."

4 years ago

Trump said that his deal will be the last and final opportunity for Palestinians to achieve statehood.