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Live blog update| Gaza Under Attack

Israel urged to open Gaza crossings for patients needing life-saving treatment

Human rights organisations have made an emergency appeal to Israel to halt attacks on the civilian population in Gaza and open the Beit Hanoun (Erez) and Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossings to humanitarian assistance.

Beit Hanoun and Karem Abu Salem, which Israel controls, are Gaza’s main lifeline to the outside world. 

The appeal by Physicians for Human Rights Israel, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Adalah, and Gisha came as Israel’s assault on Gaza entered its fourth day leaving at least 31 Palestinians dead and almost 100 more wounded.

Since 9 May, Israel has completely closed the crossings of the Gaza Strip. Not even the entry of essential products is allowed, including fuel and gas. The exit of people has also been halted, including for urgent and life-saving medical and humanitarian services.

“Israel prevented 292 patients from leaving for treatment outside the Gaza Strip. Most of them are cancer patients and 15 of the patients were required to leave in order to receive life-saving treatment and now their lives are at a standstill in real danger” as a result of Israel’s total blockade, the statement added. 

“Attacking civilian targets and denying people and vital supplies from entering and leaving Gaza – including those injured in the assault – are expressly prohibited by international law. These infringements indicate a severe violation of the rules of warfare and may even constitute war crimes,” the statement concluded.