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Palestinian foreign minister shows the ICJ five maps of Palestine

Riyad al-Maliki presented to the ICJ five maps of Palestine.

The first one is the map of historic Palestine, a territory over which Maliki stresses that the Palestinians should have had the right to exercise their right to self-determination - which was thwarted by decisions made thousands of kilometres away.

The second map shows the 1947 UN Partition Map, which ignored the will of Palestinians, stresses Maliki.

The third map shows three-quarters of historic Palestine becoming Israel over 1948-1967.

“From the first day of its occupation, Israel started colonising and annexing the land with the aim of making its occupation irreversible. It left us with a collection of disconnected bantustans preventing the independence of our state as shown in Map 4,” continues the foreign minister.

The fifth one is a map presented by Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly described as “the new Middle East”.

“There is no Palestine at all on this map, only Israel comprised of all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” says al-Maliki.

“This shows you what the prolonged, continuous occupation of Palestine is intended to accomplish: the complete disappearance of Palestine and the destruction of the Palestinian people. There can be no justification of these injustices and these indignities; allowing them to continue is unacceptable and inexcusable.”