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Israeli forces struck UN aid truck in Gaza, CNN report confirms 

Israeli forces hit a United Nations convoy carrying aid to northern Gaza earlier this month, UN documents showed according to CNN.

After Israeli naval forces struck the aid truck, the convoy was prevented from progressing to Gaza City and northern towns, where hundreds of thousands of people are facing the threat of death from starvation, according to aid groups.  

Correspondence between the UN and the Israeli military seen by CNN showed the convoy’s route was agreed upon by both parties before being fired upon. 

No one was hurt in the attack, the report said, but most of the aid inside the truck, which included much-needed wheat flour, was destroyed.

“A convoy that had food on it, heading to the northern parts of the Gaza Strip. That convoy on its way in what we call the middle areas, it got hit. One of the trucks carrying supplies was hit by Israeli naval fire,” Juliette Touma, spokeswoman for Unrwa, told CNN.