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Forensic Architecture probe concludes Israeli tank likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab

UK-based research group published the findings of a forensic investigation on Friday, revealing that Hind Rajab, the six-year-old Palestinian girl found dead along with members of her family in northern Gaza earlier this year, was most likely killed by Israeli tank fire.

The investigation found that the car in which Rajab was killed had been hit with 355 bullets, with most of the entries coming from the right side of the vehicle. The investigation was conducted by Forensic Architecture, Al Jazeera's Fault Lines and the NGO Earshot.

Forensic Architecture said that the gun used for this attack was "firing at a range of 750–900 rounds per minute", and that this range exceeds that of the AK-type assault rifle that is commonly attributed to Palestinian fighters operating in Gaza.

Read more: Forensic Architecture probe concludes Israeli tank likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab