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PFLP: Israel committing 'cultural genocide' in Jerusalem

The Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has released a statement on the continuing violence in Jerusalem.

Abu Ahmad Fuad, Deputy General Secretary of the PFLP, is quoted as saying “our people will not be suppressed, not in Gaza, nor in the West Bank, not in occupied Palestine ’48, nor in the diaspora, nor in Jerusalem, where there a great popular uprising has been ignited.”

The statement praised the actions of first car attacker Ibraham Al-Akri and called for "support for the popular intifada in Jerusalem, strengthening and widening the uprising in the towns and the streets of Jerusalem.”

It also quotes PFLP member and writer Khaled Barakat saying “Israel is committing war crimes and attempting a social and cultural genocide against our people in Jerusalem."

“We must be prepared, and we must organize to make November 29, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a day and a week of action internationally in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for return and liberation, and to defend Jerusalem and Palestine. And the weeks leading up to November 29 must also be weeks of mobilization and support for our people on the front lines in Jerusalem.”