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Live blog update| Aqsa Fallout

Summary of events so far

  • A second car crash in the Gush Etzion settlements in the West Bank, with three Israeli soldiers suffering "moderate-to-severe injuries", according to Ynet.
  • Far-right Israeli activists are set to march on the al-Aqsa compound/Temple Mount at 3:00pm GMT.
  • Jerusalem police report 16 suspects arrested for "rioting" on Wednesday.
  • Jordan appeals to the UN to prevent further damaging incursions into the al-Aqsa compound

Photo: AFP

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  • A second car crash in the Gush Etzion settlements in the West Bank, with three Israeli soldiers suffering "moderate-to-severe injuries", according to Ynet.
  • Far-right Israeli activists are set to march on the al-Aqsa compound/Temple Mount at 3:00pm GMT.
  • Jerusalem police report 16 suspects arrested for "rioting" on Wednesday.
  • Jordan appeals to the UN to prevent further damaging incursions into the al-Aqsa compound

Photo: AFP

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Here is a summary of Thursday’s events so far. We're signing off for now.

  • Thee Israeli soldiers were injured after a car drove into a checkpoint in the Gush Etzion settlements in the West Bank late on Wednesday.  
  • Israeli authorities have since suggested that the incident was an accident
  • Far-right Israeli activists are set to march on the al-Aqsa compound/Temple Mount at 5:00pm GMT.
  • Jerusalem police report 16 suspects arrested for "rioting" on Wednesday.
  • Jordan appeals to the UN to prevent further damaging incursions into the al-Aqsa compound